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Saeunn Thorsteins

Faculty at the University of Washington

Icelandic cellist, Sæunn Thorsteinsdottir, has appeared as soloist with the BBC Symphony, LA Philharmonic, Toronto, Seattle, and Iceland Symphonies and has performed in some of the world’s big stages, including Carnegie Hall, Suntory Hall, Elbphilharmonie and the Barbican Center in London. Sæunn recently released an album of Icelandic works for solo cello, “Vernacular”, and her recording of the cello concerto “Quake” by Páll Ragnar Pálsson with the Iceland Symphony was nominated for a 2020 Grammy award. She serves on the faculty of the University of Washington in Seattle, teaching cello and chamber music. More information can be found on her website:

Saeunn Thorsteins

was featured at the following conference
