Thorsten Bagdonat
Volkswagen AG
Dr. Thorsten Bagdonat, Jahrgang 1972, promoviert in theoretischer Astrophysik, danach einige Jahre in einem kleinen Startup für industrielle Bildverarbeitung gearbeitet. Seit 11 Jahren bei Volkswagen in der Konzernforschung („Group Innovation“) tätig im Bereich Fahrzeugumfeldwahrnehmung für autonomes Fahren. Jetzt Teamleitung für „Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics“. Wir beschäftigen uns mit KI-Algorithmen zur Bildverarbeitung und allgemeinen Sensordatenanalyse z.B. zur Vorhersage von Batterielebensdauer oder des Nutzerverhaltens. Mein Hauptinteresse zielt auf Grundlagen der KI, insbesondere dem Thema „Bionic AI“, also KI, die sich an dem Vorbild der Natur/des Menschen orientiert.
Dr. Thorsten Bagdonat, born 1972, made a PhD in theoretical astrophysics. After that, worked in a small startup company for industrial computer vision. Has been working for 11 years at Volkswagen Research (“Group Innovation”) in the field of perception for autonomous driving. Currently heading a team for “Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics” working on AI-based algorithms for perception and general data analysis, e.g. for predictive maintenance or user behavior analysis. My personal interests focus on basic questions of AI particularly in the field of “Bionic AI” dealing with human-like intelligence and understanding.
Dr. Thorsten Bagdonat, born 1972, made a PhD in theoretical astrophysics. After that, worked in a small startup company for industrial computer vision. Has been working for 11 years at Volkswagen Research (“Group Innovation”) in the field of perception for autonomous driving. Currently heading a team for “Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics” working on AI-based algorithms for perception and general data analysis, e.g. for predictive maintenance or user behavior analysis. My personal interests focus on basic questions of AI particularly in the field of “Bionic AI” dealing with human-like intelligence and understanding.

Thorsten Bagdonat
was featured at the following conference

March 7th 2024
Karajan Music Tech
Re-live the 2023 Karajan Music Tech conference and the fantastic speakers that came to give their talks on generative music AI